Q.1)-Which area of India was known as Avantika in ancient times
- Avadh
- Ruhelkhand
- Bundelkhand
- Malwa
Q.2)-The Ajivikas Were
- Sect contemporary to the Buddha
- Breakway branch of the Buddhists
- Sect founded by Charvaka
- Sect founded by Shankarcharya
Q.3)-Which ruler murdered his father, Bimbisara to ascend the throne
- Ashoka
- Ajatshatru
- Kanishka
- Simukha
Q.4)-Alexander and the army of Porus camped on the opposite bank of which river
- Ravi
- Jhelum
- Sutlej
- Chenab
Q.5)-King Kharvela was the greatest ruler of the Chedi Dynasty of
- Cholamandalam
- Kalinga
- Kannauj
- Purushpur
Q.6)-Name the kingdom which first used elephants in wars
- Kosala
- Magadha
- Champa
- Avanti
Q.7)-Whose army did Alexander the Greek ruler confront on the banks of the river Jhelum.
- Chandragupta Maurya
- Ambi
- Dhanananda
- Porus
Q.8)-Name of Republic which was a confederacy to tribes in the 6th century B.c
- Gandhara
- Vajji
- Koushal
- Avanti
Q.9)-Which one of the following scholar, challenged Invincible Yajnavalkya for debate
- Ghosha
- Apala
- Maitreyi
- Gargi
Q.10)-Which of the following ruler was responsible for the rise of Magadha
- Bindusara
- Ajatshatru
- Bimbisara
- Vasudeva