Q.1)-The Social System of the Harappans Was
- Fairly egalitarian
- Slave-Labour based
- Colour Varna based
- Caste based
Q.2)-Which statement on the Harappan Civilization is correct
- Horse sacrifice was known to them
- Cow was sacred to them
- Pashupati was venerated by them
- The culture was generally static
Q.3)-The earliest city discovered in India was
- Harappa
- Punjab
- Mohejo Daro
- Sindh
Q.4)-Which among the following has not been found in the excavation of harappan sites.
- Drains and well
- Fort
- Reservoirs
- Temple with Shikhar
Q.5)-The Harappan Civilization was discovered in the year
- 1935
- 1942
- 1921
- 1922
Q.6)-Which was the only Indus site with an artificial brick dockyard
- Lothal
- Kalibangan
- Harappa
- Mohenjo Daro
Q.7)-Which of the following domesticated animals was absent in the terracottas of the Indus civilization.
- Buffalo
- Sheep
- Cow
- Pig
Q.8)-Which was the only Indus city without a citadel.
- Kalibangan
- Harappa
- Mohenjodaro
- Chanhudaro
Q.9)-The essential feature of the Indus Valley Civillization was
- Worship of forces of nature
- Organised city life
- Pastoral Farming
- Caste society
Q.10)-The people of the Indus Valley Civilization usually built their houses of
- Burnt bricks
- Stone
- Wood
- All of the above