Q.1)-The purpose of choke in a fluorescent lamp is
- To decrease the voltage momentarily
- To increase the flow of current
- To decrease the resistance
- To decrease the flow of current
Q.2)-The cause of magnetism in materials is
- Electrons at rest
- Protons at rest
- All stationary neutrons
- Circular motion of electrons.
Q.3)-Uniform magnetic field is represented by
- Closed curves
- Parallel lines
- Convergent lines
- Divergent lines
Q.4)-What is the unit of electrical conductivity?
- Ohm
- Ohm-cu
- Mho
- Ohm/cu
Q.5)-Who discovered the link between electricity and magnetism?
- Maxwell
- Diesel
- Michael faraday
- Volta
Q.6)-Tesla is the unit of Magnetic field
- Induction
- Moment
- Area
- Flow
Q.7)-Resistance of a conductor increases on
- Increasing length
- Decreasing area of cross-section
- Increasing temperature
- All of these
Q.8)-Which of the following rated electric bulb?
- Power and current
- Power and voltage
- Current and voltage
- Energy and current
Q.9)-Chemical energy is converted into electric energy
- Dynamo
- Electric Fan
- Battery
- Atom bomb
Q.10)-Certain substances looses their electrical resistance completely at super low temperature such substances are called
- Super conductor
- Semi conductor
- Dielectric
- Perfect conductor