Q.1)-Nutrients are recycled in the atmosphere with the help of certain microorganism referred to as
- Producers
- Consumers
- Decomposers
- None of these
Q.2)-The green manure is obtained from
- Fresh animal excreta
- Decomposing green legume plants
- Domestic vegetables waste
- Oil seed husk cakes
Q.3)-The method which is not used as a biological control
- use of predators of pest
- Pheromone traps
- use of pesticides
- Use of neem extracts
Q.4)-Mushroom cultivation is not useful in
- Biogas production
- biological control of crop diseases
- Recycling of agricultural wastes
- Preventing cancer
Q.5)-A large number of identical plants can be obtained in a short span of time through
- Large number of seeds of a single plant
- Stem cuttings
- Tissue cultue technique
- Hydroponics method
Q.6)-Bt seed is associated with
- Rice
- Wheat
- Cotton
- Oil seed
Q.7)-The study of field crops is called
- pomology
- Agronomy
- Olericulture
- Foriculture
Q.8)-Select the biofertilizer in the following
- Compost
- Ammonium sulphure
- Cattle Dung
- Algae and Blue-Green Algae
Q.9)-Which of the following is a correct description of "Tissue culture"
- Conservation of forests and plantation
- Growth and propagation of horticultrural crops
- Science of cultivating animal tissue of artificial medium
- Protection of wild animals
Q.10)-Nutural organic fertilizers are found to be better than chemical fertilizers because
- Chemical fertilizers are less productive
- Organic fertilizers are more productive
- Organic fertilizers sustain soil productivity
- Chemical fertizers are toxic